film critique without everything; One of the best of Fajr Festival 99

Criticism of the film Be Everything is one of the best films of the 39th Fajr Festival of 1399. Follow the critique, review and analysis of this film with Tekratoo site.

Mohsen Gharayi 's latest film is everything from the promising films of the 39th Fajr Film Festival . Mohsen Gharayi, after relatively successful films such as Qasr Shirin , Dam Moabar and Hagh Aksut, this time went to an old grudge that has taken root and become a strong tree, and now blood must be shed to cut it. The blood that starts from a cow in a movie and ends in a human.

Movie Review Without Everything

Without everything that is big in a village

The story of the film takes place in an unnamed village during the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. The use of the necessary trick and the possibility of the filmmaker's hand is open in many places, which shows this ingenuity of the filmmaker. A Khanzadeh man named Amir (played by Parviz Parastavi) is highly respected and trusted by everyone because of his originality and the many times he has helped all the residents, and many serious and important tasks of the village are entrusted to him. His position is such that Dehdar and the head of Nazmieh and the other ten officials look at his mouth to take steps.

Read more: Date and list of films of the 39th Fajr Festival

Movie Review Without Everything
Movie Without Criticism / Movie Without Poster

Revenge is food that is served cold without anything!

Now this order undergoes irreversible changes with the arrival of Lily (played by Hedyeh Tehrani). Lily collapses like an earthquake on this village and questions all the possessions of the emir and the people. In many years, Lily was far from the upper classes and Khanzadeh was one of the ten, and at that time, the people, seeing her belly rising, rejected her from the top ten. He also fled to the city and worked in nightclubs. Now the story goes that Lily, who now dresses and behaves like a court aristocrat, decides to donate a lot of money to her hometown and her people. From building a school and clinic to giving three thousand tomans per family.

Read more: The absence of Alidosti's song in 39 Fajr Film Festivals

Movie Review Without Everything
Critique of the movie Be Everything / Lily with Hedyeh Tehrani in the movie Be Everything

You kill without everything!

But there is one condition, and that is that the blood of the person who became pregnant in those years be shed. It is revealed that the person in question is the same Amir Khan that the people behind him are praying for, and now the people are waging an internal and collective war between committing to Amir Khan and getting rich between themselves and their consciences. A war that ultimately is something the audience never anticipates.

Incomplete adaptation shadow that weighed heavily on the film

Without everything, it can be considered an incomplete adaptation of the play Meeting the Old Lady written by Durnamat   . This is the main line of the story and the events that take place, with the difference that Mohsen Gharayi has Iranianized everything. As a writer, he has not made much of an impact on the play. But the important point is that the totality of black comedy and the tragic comedy situations of the main play in the movie Be Everything, Be Everything, and all those situations have been put on the shoulders of Hadi Hejazi to put one-on-one laughs with Dehdar Sit an audience looking to find the main story line.

Movie Review Without Everything
Critique of the film Be Everything (Picture of Parviz Parastavi in ​​the film Be Everything

Don't kill a cow without everything!

In the initial sequence of the film, we encounter a light character (with a different game and makeup of Baran Kowsari) who is very interested in his cows and calves (these cows and calves are only ten cows and calves and are a kind of source of blessing for the village) and with confidence. Amir Khan hands over the cow to the people to artificially sacrifice it in front of Lily Khanum. The fabrication becomes a reality and the cow is killed and Nouri sees everything through Amir Khan. Amir Khani, who now seems to be to blame for shedding two bloods. One child who we do not know until the middle of the film has been aborted or who he is and the other is a light cow who loves and pursues the cow like her child.

Movie Review Without Everything
Criticism of the film without everything / image of the film without everything

Blood will rise without anything!

One of the guidelines and signs of the film is when Hedyeh Tehrani, in the role of Lily, steps on the blood of a sacrificed cow and passes by, step by step approaching the satisfaction of her resentment towards Amir Khan. This is by no means a filmmaker spoiler, but one of the classic tricks of filmmakers to test the audience's intelligence. The resentment that is similar to individual resentment at first and at the end we realize that this resentment is from all the people of the village. People who, due to the promises and promises and executive actions of Leila Nazarian, who have now become Leila, have violated their own traditions, morals and norms and are willing to kill Motamed and Khanzadeh for money.

Do not be afraid, we are all together!

The sequence at the end of the film is very symbolic and is the final signature of the filmmaker for all the metaphors that happened in the film. The most typical human beings who exist in a core society and each of them is ready to step on the neck of the other in order to achieve their shortcomings. The filmmaker has walked the fine line between chanting slogans and symbolic discourse with a good audience, and by bypassing censorship by taking the film to pre-revolutionary times, he has been able to bring people to life who say goodbye to Mossadegh in the morning and say good night to him at night. Drain the water. People who press the finger with all their fingers and then press their finger on the execution sheet of Amir Khan and cry for him immediately and even ten minutes after the signature of the execution letter of Amir Khan and at the same time and place.

Without everything; The jackal is surrounded by wolves

The filmmaker's characterization has been shocking and groundbreaking in some places. Amir Khan is a man who has reached this position by chance and the series of events that took place, and of course a little bit of his own life, but not only is he not white, but he is black and gray. He is no different from the same people. He even goes so far as to implicitly sell his daughter in exchange for her survival. The intention is to escape and in the end he becomes disgraced. But among whom? Those who do not have a reputation themselves. Lily is an evil theorist. He is a strong blow to the people who considered themselves good and knew and had rejected the same Lily on the charge of being a prostitute, and now this evil (as Nietzsche described it in the book of Zarathustra ) disrupts all this artificial order. It disrupts artificial relationships and raises them all.

One must always stand up

Shah is the metaphor of the filmmaker at the point where only one child raises his hand and opposes the execution of Amir. A move that reminded me of Khosrow Golsorkhi's famous poem :

One of the disciples stood up

One must always stand up

He spoke slowly

The draw is a gross mistake…

Khosrow Golsorkhi / Film Criticism Without Everything
A picture of Khosrow Golsorkhi / Critique of the film Without Everything

Blood rose: an end with the color and smell of catharsis

With the performance of Lily Nazarian's intended play and the disgrace of all the villagers and taking revenge on her, the play ends and she orders Amir to be taken down from the gallows. But this time Dehdar and the people object: "How can we look into Amir's eyes?" In response, we hear one of the best dialogues in the film from Hedyeh Tehrani: "As you looked into my eyes." But Amir Khan can no longer bear to look into the eyes of his wife and daughter and the people of this village and pretends to be the victim of this black.

A breakthrough in the narration and direction of Mohsen Gharayi

The linear and almost perfect narrative of the filmmaker, as well as the sequence of plans that not everyone can make, indicate the beginning of the formation of a cinema that might later be called Qaraei cinema. Especially the sequence of a plan that will be one of the enduring ones of Iranian cinema (a sequence in which the whole village is waiting for the train to arrive at ten and Hadi Hejazifar goes from side to side with his game that has comedic traces and…).

The dark spots of the movie are everything

Except for the film's dramatic mismatch and the black comedyA play that is a great weakness for the filmmaker. Lines of story and characterization remain vague for the audience. Like the story of Lily Nazarian's son, who is from Amir Khan, but we do not see any fatherly feelings from Amir to his son during the film. We do not find any logic for the boy's behavior after showing his lunar eclipse to Lily and Amir. How is it possible that the woman you serve (Lily did not tell the boy that she is her mother) would call you to a mine and tell you to get naked and show your back to the village chief and then say "I did not want to know what the lunar eclipse is" and Then no question arises in your mind? These weak sequences are done by most directors to unravel and show a beautiful plan and… in Iranian cinema, but I call it a scam from the audience. I remembered a sequence in a meter and a half that Navid Mohammadzadeh takes the hose from the bathroom of the detention center and sprinkles water on everyone.

Film critique without everything; Actors and agents

  • Director:  Mohsen Gharayi
  • Screenplay:  Mohsen Gharayi and Mohammad Davoodi
  • Producer: Javad Norouzebeigi
  • Director of Photography: Morteza Hedayi
  • Edited by: Emad Khodabakhsh
  • Music: Hamed Sabet
  • Actors: Parviz Parastavi, Hedyeh Tehrani, Hadi Hejazifar, Baran Kosari, Mahtab Nasirpour, Pedram Sharifi, Babak Karimi, Farid Sajjadi Hosseini, Laleh Marzban, Zuhair Yari, Issa Yousefipour, Khosrow Pesyani, Mehdi Sabbaghi ​​and…

What is your opinion about the critique of the film Without Everything, one of the most important films of the 39th Fajr Festival? Please share your comments with us.


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