The Matrix Triology Film Criticism; Why should we see Matrix4?
The Matrix Triology Film Criticism; Why should we see Matrix4?
In The Matrix Film Review we read: The Matrix trilogy engages with concepts that its audience is constantly engaging with and that affect their daily lives. One of the main reasons for watching Matrix 4 was to face the documentary Social Problem , which had its own noise this year. In this article, we will analyze the Matrix series and the reason for waiting to see the Matrix 4 movie. Join us with Tekratoo site.
The Matrix is a table of numbers by which in mathematics very complex equations and problem-solving problems are easily solved. The matrix has greatly influenced the growth of modern mathematics and, consequently, technology and human material development. Hence, it can be considered as a symbol of modern science or new technology or a multitude of numbers and equations. Perhaps the reason why the film is so named after a bad computer device is itself a critique of modernity and its technologies.
The Matrix Triology Movie Review
Why should we see Matrix 4?
- The Matrix is a 1999 production directed by the Wachowskis
- The Matrix: A reload of the 2003 Wachowski-directed product
- The Matrix Revolutions of 2003, directed by the Wachowskis
- The Matrix 4 is a 2021 production directed by Lana Wachowski
The Matrix (1999)
Thomas Anderson is a man with a double life. One, working in a very reputable software company. Two, a hacker nicknamed Neo. The Matrix tracks Neo's progress against an ordinary person exposed to the real world. The continuation of the world that Neo thought was real. The Matrix is actually a computer program built by machines to use humans as batteries. Morpheus thinks that Neo can control the matrix. Morpheus feels that Neo is one of the chosen ones, the one who will free everyone from the Matrix .

In the first part of the Matrix series, we get acquainted with the world of film, details and rules . And introduces a new hero and at the same time a new negative character. In the first film, we will face the potentials of the film's characters and how to use them.
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The matrix is what the Internet wants it to look like after development! An exciting store that has something interesting to offer to each of our five senses! Imagine that you can see the image of a cheesecake online and with our new device you can click on its icon and taste it before buying this cake!
Officer Smith :
I would like to have one of my while I was here to tell you . The time that the wanted species you would classify. I realized that you are not really a mammal.
Mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural balance with the environment around them . But you humans do not do that. You go to an area and you multiply and not , as far as all natural resources wiped out. And the only way to survive is to go to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. you know what? Virus. Humans are a disease, they are a cancer on this planet, you are a pest and we… cure.
I… hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this fact, whatever you want to call it. I can not stand it anymore. Because of the smell. I feel saturated with it.
I can smell you. And whenever I feel like I'm somehow infected. Nausea is amazing , is not it? I have to get out of here, I have to be free and you have a key in your mind, my key. When Zayan is destroyed, I no longer need to be present, do you understand? I need the codes, I have to get into the womb and you have to tell me how. If you do not say you will die!
Mr. Wood Ivy, founder of Trisenx, predicts that one day tasting machines will be installed in all restaurants. Trisenx is the first company to claim to produce a synthetic flavoring device .
Mr. Ivy says that on the risTrisenx site you can order the food, restaurant, daily soup or food you want while reading. Mr. Ivy 's invention immerses you in such an environment that, in addition to smell, it also has a simulated climate. This device is, in other words, a small ری matrix ! This means entering the age of the Matrix!
Morpheus to Neo :
Do not think that you can, but you can.
The story of Matrix 1 takes place in 2199. The fact is that the artificial intelligence of human beings at the beginning of the 21st century gains such power that they overcome their creator, man , and cultivate the humans they want in their fields, and these humans do not know that they are captives of the matrix.

The matrix, as its name implies, is the context in which we are planted. The Matrix is a prisoner who has become the veil of the real world and has compounded us with ignorance because we ourselves do not know we are slaves and prisoners of others.
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Oracle (prophet) to Neo :
You have the talent and ability to be chosen and a savior, and that talent comes into play when you believe you are the savior.
The $ 60 million film was made in Australia by Andy and Larry Wachowski as writers and directors. Brothers or sisters who previously had only one crime film called Bound in their repertoire.
In Matrix 1, special effects were his greatest strength. The main idea of the matrix is the illusion and the virtual world . Do you know how much control you have? Do you know how ideas are fed to you? Do you know what you are invited to do? Do you know what the future holds for you? And do you know what the future holds for you?
New :
I thought it was not real.
Morpheus :
Your mind makes it real.
New :
If you were killed in the matrix, would you die here?
Morpheus :
The body cannot live without the mind.
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
The second film is a place to explore the issue of choice . The question is, do we really have a choice in life? If we have a choice, what choices do we usually make?
Morpheus :
It all starts with a choice.
Merwin :
Not. Is wrong. Choice is an illusion created between people with power and people without power.
One of the best emotions a modern audience can have is a sense of authority . But this feeling is destroyed by the second part of the matrix. The audience enters a new phase of mental conflict with itself. He revisits his life over and over again and asks himself, “What part of this life have I had? How much control have I had over it? ”

In this part of the matrix Zayan main axis. The word Zayan in dictionaries is the mountain from which the Jewish people were displaced, but in this film the utopia is promised. It is interesting that it shows the offspring in the center of the earth. But we know that the temperature in the center of the earth is very high and also there is little oxygen. The question is, how do they live with these conditions?
New :
Why am I here?
Architect :
Your life is the result of a remainder of an inherently unbalanced equation in matrix programming. You are, after all, an anomaly, which I could not eliminate, despite my most sincere efforts and what the coordination of mathematical precision has given us. While this pressure is hard to object to , not unexpected and is not out of control. And he has ruthlessly guided you here.
New :
You did not answer my question.
Architect :
Absolutely true. interesting. He was faster than the others.
In Matrix 2, Neo must choose between saving the offspring and saving the Trinity . He saves Trinity and the story continues until Matrix 3 .
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
This part of the Matrix film does not introduce new words, questions and reasons. Instead, the writer and director focused entirely on a long and somewhat tedious struggle between humans and machines.
But it can be understood that motivation is something that goes beyond the goal and takes wings with the help of the goal. And the goal motivates man to survive and takes permission from man to commit suicide.
Officer Smith :
Why Anderson (Neo) Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you still fighting? Are you fighting for something other than yourself? Anything more than saving yourself? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know yourself? Freedom or truth? Maybe peace? Maybe for love? Imaginations, Mr. Anderson.
Imaginations out of emotion. A temporary structure of human perception. Desperately tries to justify regardless of meaning and purpose. And all this is more artificial than the matrix itself. However, only a human mind can invent boring things like love.
You have to be able to see it, Mr. Anderson. From now on, you must know that you can not win, so do not fight in vain. Why Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you insist so much?
New :
Because I chose.
The Zion Problem in The Matrix Film Criticism
Humans 'trenches are fertile, and robots' trenches are matrices, and they try hard to maintain their boundaries. Although the offspring is a safe city for humans, due to the successive successes of the offspring and the subsequent release of the human matrix, the robots become bit angry, destroying the security of the offspring in Matrix 3 , attacking the offspring and the embankment of the offspring guerrillas from the matrix Is transferred. In fact, Zayan is a city where Neo, Morpheus, Trinity and other so-called liberated humans live and feel safe away from robots.
Pragmatism in Matrix Film Criticism
In The Matrix we see that man can have a strong action when he can have a real existence when he wills and accepts that he can move towards action. The fundamental difference between the real world and the virtual world is that Morpheus and his companions think and act freely in it, and the real world is the world of individuality and action .
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Even Trinity does not express his love for Neo until he has a practical need to express it. Neo also becomes an invincible hero like Superman who believes in his will and abilities and acts according to his wishes. The real world of film is the utopia of pragmatic thinkers. In this utopia, a person, regardless of any clause and law of status and credit, decides for himself, creates ethics and ideals for himself, and acts. The sentences that are repeated many times in the film are:
I did not come to say how it ends, I came to say how it begins.
It is clear that cognitive pragmatism is highly relativistic and has skeptical consequences. Doubt is the key that opens the door to influence anyone you believe.
Pay attention to brain function in movie matrix reviews
The reality is that everything we perceive of the world around us is of colors, faces, tastes, pain, joy, sorrow, love, hate, and so on. In short, everything we see and understand about the world is due to the electrochemical functions of an amazing creature called the brain.
In response to the environment, our body plays the role of sensors that send data to the brain and the brain interprets and interprets them. If for any reason there is a change in the way our brain works, our whole perception of the environment will change , we will experience different emotions and we will see different things that others do not see. (Those who take hallucinogenic drugs actually put their brains in such a state.) Thus, if it is possible to know exactly how the brain works and how it works, it is possible to change the perception of the environment by manipulating parts of it. .
Morpheus for neo :
What is your definition of being real? If you mean what you perceive with your five senses, what you feel, smell or see is not everything but a series of electrical signals that your brain translates and interprets.
The painful truth is that the world only through our senses perceive and if our senses lie to the truth is not revealed to us. And we are constantly pursuing mirage bubbles.
"It simply came to our notice then.
We can not understand what the world is like for us. What we can understand is what the world is like for us!
About making love in the Matrix movie review
Clearly, in the Matrix, the savior Neo really dies, but semantically, he comes to life, because someone loves him !! Love for a person or thing causes it to come to life like a sapling and to continue to exist in its intersubjective existence, which is the world of meaning beyond reality. Love in the world of meaning does not carry a body and does not carry a corpse back and forth and does not worship spirits, but raises the dead! As long as they are present in thoughts and hearts.
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Trinity, which is immortality , revives its nature in the world of meaning by loving the Savior, even though the savior dies in the virtual world of the Matrix, which is the visible and perceptible external world! That is why after the resurrection of Neo, the images are portrayed in a way that is not perceived in the real world because the Matrix film seeks to emphasize that in the transcendental and semantic world, Neo continues to live and struggle.
Plato and the Matrix Film Criticism
Plato was perhaps the world's first virtual universe and the shadow of the world such as custody and consequently the body, spirit and matter, as the veil of meaningless and this way of thinking, especially in the Sufi mystical approaches we have influence. Philosophy means the search for the most fundamental reasons for our childish minds. The childish mind is not a cliché in that the child's questioning is based on pre-prepared and instilled answers.
Forough has the same childish mind that asks himself:
Does life take color in our shadows or are we the shadows of our own shadows?
Berkeley said:
We feel because we imagine God. And with a little tolerance we seem to be in God's dream that we exist.
Our mystics have also said:
The world and man is a mirror in which God sees himself and admires himself and says, "Blessed be the goodness of his creation."
Nietzsche, The Superman and The Matrix Film Criticism
In the first meeting in the first part of The Matrix, Oracle shows Neo the sign above the kitchen and tells him that he knows the Latin phrase, on which is written: " Know thyself " is the most obvious human guide to becoming a superhuman.

Nietzsche's concept of naming a superman is a perfect human being. In his philosophy, Nietzsche introduces the three concepts of Mensch ( human ), Ubermensch ( superhuman ) and der letzte Mensch ( last human ). Nietzsche refers to the Ubermensch perfect man .
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That is, a human being who has truly been freed from previous fears and superstitions (Nietzsche means divine rites) and has realized true freedom. This human being is spiritually perfect and has accepted existence as it is and has abandoned imaginary worlds. Now, in the absence of God (according to Nietzsche, the death of God), this perfect man assumes the meaning of existence and unites his will with the will of the universe.
Influential characters in the Matrix series
In the following, we will review the Matrix movie and the three influential characters of Martix:
Neo : Neo evolves throughout the film and eventually reaches the stage of faith and certainty and confronts the enemy, this evolution is a human being, not a savior. In fact, Neo is derived from the Greek name Neos meaning baby , and wants to imply that Neo is like a person who has just opened his eyes to the truth of the world.
Morpheus : Acts like the prophets, they make the truth clear to their followers and leave the choice to themselves. Influenced by the teachings of Oracle, Morpheus seeks a savior to triumph over the Matrix.
Architect : The design and control of the Matrix cyberspace is the responsibility of a man named Architect and a somewhat mysterious old woman named Oracle.
Oracle : He tries to neo tell the truth and to tell him that he is the savior sixth at Zayan chosen to achieve the Matrix to save rid of viruses.
Trinity : Trinity has a heavy responsibility, he has no faith in the future of the heart, but he still strives for it, does not run away from the truth and fights for it to the death.
Cypher : They are affiliated with the system who are not interested in war and conflict because they are immersed in worldly aspirations, and the world is so important to them that they are willing to forget the truth.
Why watch Matrix 4?
Everything is right when it is useful to us in some way: “The usefulness of something indicates its validity and its correctness indicates its usefulness. Accordingly, there is no definitive criterion for predetermined truth. Rather, truth is constructed in the process of our activities and in our course of life is built by ourselves. Truths are rooted in facts, and in the realm of action, they return to the world of facts, and as a result, these facts regain the power to create new truths.
It all started four years ago with the news of the possible construction of the Matrix . But not with the previous factors. According to the latest news that has recently written on Tkratv as Neil Patrick Harris Matrix actor Four: This time blockbuster movie is not released, the movie The Matrix 4 network HBO will air Max. The best HBO movies of 2021 have many fans, and are currently in close competition with Disney Plus. Disney's newly established service plus the year 's best film by Marvel in 2021 in the series feature the world's Vandavyzhn , Falcon and the Winter Soldier , Loki and object Hulk will play with a set of best sci-fi movies in 2021 , The best animations of 2021 , the best romance movies of 2021 and the best romance series of 2021 have now attracted a large audience in a short period of time.
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But scientists say we do not live in a matrix world . According to studies by Zohr Ringel and Dmitri Korizi, they have concluded that storing such a large amount of information requires a computer with memory whose atoms are from the world. We will be more. This conclusion is reached by a concept in theoretical physics called the " Hall quantum effect ". Meanwhile, Ilan Musk believes that we are 99.9 percent likely to be computer simulated creatures . He believes that the chances of us having a real life base are one in a billion. Can Matrix 4 make our minds clearer about these comments, or will we face more questions after watching this movie?
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